Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Boss Rocks

I'm not feeling so hot. My chest is on fire, and I'm coughing up a bunch of gunk. I'm achy, and dizzy, and on top of all that I'm right in the middle of finals week. I've been invaded by cold and wind, as Chinese Medicine would say, which makes sense. We've had a cold spell here in the Bay Area, and I'm probably just being a huge whiner, as other parts of the country and world have temperatures much lower than this (I think it hit freezing last night), but I'm not used to it, and it invaded me. Now I'm sick.

This posting isn't really about me, though. It's about my boss, Diana, who is the greatest boss ever. I called in today to let her know that I probably won't be in (due to the fire in my chest as described above), and not only was she understanding and sympathetic, but she also told me that I would still be paid for Christmas Day. This may not seem like a surprise for any full-timers, but it's a huge deal for me. I'm only part-time, and she's not required in any way to give me sick or holiday pay. She let me "clock in" last week when I stayed home sick (I get sick a lot) too. Generosity on the part of employers makes me cautious, and I expressed to her how much I appreciated it. She told me that I'm an asset to the organization, and she wants to make sure I'm happy.

It sucks that this is a new feeling - being appreciated by my employer. We should all be so lucky. At my last job, I always felt grossly incompetent, which I now see was more the fault of the director there. She wouldn't tell me anything. I was her assistant, and she didn't tell me that the organization was close to bankruptcy until the day I got laid off.

So hats off to all the employers out there who treat their workers like family, and value the work they do. Again, it sucks that this type of thing isn't status quo.

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