Sunday, March 01, 2009

Happy (Belated) New Year

Hello hello. Happy 2009. I keep forgetting that I have this thing. A blog, I mean. Wow, a lot has happened since I last wrote. We celebrated the New Year (both American and Chinese), our brand spankin new President was inaugurated, I started school, and . . . (drum roll) I quit smoking. Huge deal for me, as I was a pack a day smoker for a decade. I've been smoke-free for sixteen days now, and I'm feeling good. I have nicotine patches, which are horrible in every respect, except that they're a godsend for preventing cravings. In every other respect, though, I hate them. I don't really feel like myself lately; I feel a bit removed from everything. They mess with my sleep too. Good thing I have such understanding teachers, or I'd be in huge trouble for sleeping through my classes. But I'm not smoking. The condition is temporary, and I'll come out of it better than ever. Maybe with a lower GPA, but my health is worth it... I guess. I joined a research study that has supplied the patches and lozenges for free, as well as free therapy, and hypnosis. The hypnosis has been a trip so far.

To distract myself, I've started to find new stuff to keep myself busy. I just went to the library today and took out a bunch of books on how to make your own kite. I'm really excited. Next weekend, I'm going to scour the hobby shops for all the equipment and will start building! Look at this bitchin dragon kite:

I definitely won't be able to do that when I'm just starting. Hopefully, though, I'll get up to that level eventually.

I also took out some books on how to make your own beauty products. Most of the stuff I'll be able to buy at the grocery store, like almond oil, yogurt, avocados, etc. The general rule is that if you wouldn't eat it, you shouldn't put it on your skin. I still have to go to Rainbow Grocery to get jars and some essential oils, but I think overall it'll be pretty inexpensive. I wonder how much different I'll feel after a couple of months of not using chemical lotions, washes, shampoos or conditioners. We shall see.

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